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Legal Notice

General Data of GECESA

GECESA, GESTIÓN DE CENTROS CULTURALES, S.A.U, with registered office in Ronda de Valencia 2, 28012 Madrid, Spain, and CIF A-80618127; the company is entered in the Companies Register of Madrid, Vol. 6446, General 0, in Section 8 of the Companies Book, Folio 88, Page M-105.000, 1st Entry, managing entity of La Casa Encendida owned by the Fundación Obra Social y Monte de Piedad de Madrid (Fundación Montemadrid).

This website has been created by GECESA as an informative resource for personal use.

By accessing this website, you accept the following information.

Terms and Conditions

  1. The content, commercial activities, products, services and socio-cultural programmes included on this website are not designed or intended for individuals who reside in jurisdictions where such content is not authorised.
  2. This website consists solely of the pages that appear on the site map.
  3. If you access this website, you do so under your sole responsibility.
  4. Merely accessing this website does not imply the creation of any commercial relationship between you and GECESA.
  5. By accessing and browsing this website, you confirm that you have understood and accept the legal notices and terms and conditions of use contained herein.

Booking Conditions of Courses

  1. Refund and Withdrawal Policy
    Following your registration for a course, you have 14 calendar days to withdraw your application. The withdrawal terms and conditions are as follows:

    • You can hand in your withdrawal application in person at the Information Point at La Casa Encendida, or alternatively send it by email to

    • Once GECESA has confirmed your right to withdraw your application, you will receive a refund for all amounts paid within approximately 24 to 48 hours.

    • In accordance with Article 103 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 (General Consumer and User Protection Act), the right of withdrawal does not apply in the following cases:

      a) Where you acknowledge and consent to the start of the activity, especially when it implies the use of digital resources.

      b) Where activities have a specific date or period of execution and imply any of the following circumstances:

      - The supply of accommodation for purposes other than housing.

      - The supply of catering.

      - The supply of services related to leisure activities (including camps, excursions, etc.).

    Once the legal deadline for withdrawal has passed, the following terms and conditions apply:

    • If you cancel a course for which you have registered up to 15 days before the start date we will refund 50% of the amount paid.

    • You can cancel the course in person at the Information Point at La Casa Encendida or by sending an email to

    • We will not issue a refund for course cancellations that involve a prior selection process, or if you decide to withdraw from a course or workshop that has already started, regardless of your reason for doing so.

    • For both voluntary withdrawals and cancellations (in line with the above terms and conditions), you will receive the refund for a course paid online within approximately 24 to 48 hours of confirmation by La Casa Encendida.

  2. Cancellation Policy
    La Casa Encendida reserves the right to cancel a course/workshop or change the scheduled dates and times based on the number of enrolments received, in which case we will inform you of the refund procedure for the amount paid.

Ticket Sales Terms and Conditions

  1. Website Terms and Conditions of Use: You undertake to make appropriate use of the services, products and utilities offered by GECESA through this website.

    You must register with the website to be able to purchase tickets through it, and to this end you guarantee that all the personal data you enter on the registration form are real and true. Your data will be processed for the purposes described in the Privacy Policy.

  2. Accepted Payment Methods: This website accepts the payment methods indicated when you reach the payment screen.
  3. Cancellation Policy: Please check that that the date, time, place and price of your tickets are correct before you complete your purchase. Purchased tickets cannot be changed, refunded or cancelled.
  4. Security Protocol: Connections with the secure server use the latest standard security protocol for internet transactions: SSL.
  5. Financial Entity: When you make a purchase from La Casa Encendida with a debit or credit card, a connection is established with the secure server of Banco Santander, which provides all its technological experience and infrastructure to ensure that all electronic purchase transactions on are conducted securely and efficiently. When the secure server of Banco Santander receives a payment request, it authorises or denies payment of the purchase in real time after checking that all the data are correct to make the payment.

Currency and Modification of Information

  1. The information appearing on this website is current as of the last revision date. GECESA reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information on this website, and it may restrict or deny access to said website. In particular, GECESA accepts no liability for any financial information, quotes, etc. that may be provided, nor for the accuracy, currency or suitability of information regarding its social or cultural programmes.
  2. This website may not be altered, changed, modified or adapted in any way. However, GECESA reserves the right to make whatever changes or modifications it deems convenient, at any time and without prior notice.
  3. GECESA reserves the right to unilaterally modify this website’s terms and conditions of use. Any modifications to the same will be duly announced. Changes to the terms and conditions will take effect from the moment they are published on this website.


  1. GECESA makes every effort to prevent errors in the content appearing on this website. GECESA does not guarantee and cannot be held liable for the consequences of any erroneous content on this website provided by third parties. Nor does GECESA guarantee the availability, price or suitability of tickets to the cultural events it organises, or of the grants or prizes it may choose to award.
  2. GECESA accepts no liability for any discrepancies between printed documents and their digital versions published on this website, including competition rules and requirements. In the event of discrepancy between the print version and that posted on the website, the print version will prevail, except as provided herein with regard to errata and updates.
  3. All information, content and data of any kind on the pages of this website are carefully reviewed before being published; even so, like any other intellectual creation involving human and mechanical activity, it is impossible to guarantee the total absence of errata, typos, format flaws and similar problems. For this reason, GECESA strongly recommends that you stay attuned to any updates or corrections that may be made to the website, confirm the information of special interest to you in person or by using the phone, fax or email contact details provided on this website and in the media, and in no case make decisions based solely or primarily on the information posted on the website.
  4. GECESA takes no responsibility for the content, commercial activities, products or services made available via this website by means of direct or indirect links. Unless specifically stated to the contrary, links on the GECESA website are included for informative purposes only, and in no case can they be construed as a suggestion, invitation or recommendation of the sites to which they lead. These links do not imply any kind of relationship between GECESA and the individual or corporate owners of the websites to which they lead, or between GECESA and the centres or institutions that GECESA sponsors or works with. GECESA reserves the right to unilaterally remove the links appearing on its website at any time.
  5. GECESA takes no responsibility for the content of any online forum or debate (chat), news bulletins or any other kind of transmission associated with this website, and it will cooperate, if so required by court order or the pertinent authorities, with law enforcement to identify the persons responsible for posting illegal or unlawful content. GECESA does not guarantee that it will reply to messages sent to the company or its employees via the website, nor does it warrant the accuracy or adequacy of such replies.
  6. GECESA accepts no liability for any potential exchange of information between users. Statements posted on this website are the sole responsibility of the person(s) who made them. You are prohibited from transmitting data to or via this website or other internet accesses managed by GECESA that violate third-party property rights or whose content is threatening, libellous, obscene or pornographic. This prohibition also extends to any other material which constitutes or incites behaviour that may be considered a criminal offence, and to the collection and processing of personal data in violation of the privacy laws in force.
  7. GECESA reserves the right to ban or block any internet user who publishes unlawful or unethical content on this website. It likewise reserves the right to take any legal action it deems appropriate with a view to preventing such conduct, although this does not imply that GECESA has the obligation or responsibility to monitor all website content.

Browsing, Access and Security

  1. By accessing and browsing this website, you confirm that you have understood and accept the legal notices and terms and conditions of use contained herein. GECESA makes every effort to offer users an optimum browsing experience and to prevent damage of any kind while using its website.
  2. This website has been designed to support the latest versions of the most used browsers: Google Chrome™, Internet Explorer™, Microsoft Edge™, Mozilla Firefox™, Safari™ and Opera™. GECESA accepts no liability for any damage you may sustain as a result of using browsers or versions other than those for which the website was designed.
  3. This website is accessed via a secure connection, which means that information is transmitted in encrypted form. La Casa Encendida uses an SSL certificate to encrypt all data transferred between the web server and the user's digital terminal. The website does not store or process any information about user-owned payment card(s), and all transactions are handled by an independent virtual payment gateway. All transactions are made in euros and for a company with tax residence in Spain.
  4. GECESA does not warrant that access to this website will be uninterrupted or error-free and accepts no liability in this regard. Likewise, it does not accept liability for or warrant that the content or software accessed via this website is error-free and will not cause damage. GECESA cannot, under any circumstances, be held liable for any loss or damage sustained as a result of accessing and using the website, including but not limited to damage to operating systems or that caused by a virus infection. GECESA accepts no liability for any damage resulting from the inappropriate use of this website. In particular, it will not be liable for any telecommunications network disruptions, interruptions, errors or failures that may occur during financial transactions.
  5. The services offered on this website can only be used properly if your device meets the technical requirements for which it was designed.

Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

  1. This website and its content are protected by intellectual property laws and may not be exploited, reproduced, distributed, modified, publicly shared, conveyed or transformed in any way. Accessing this website does not grant you any rights or claims to the intellectual property rights of its content, except those specifically established in these terms and conditions.
  2. This website and its content may not be transformed, distributed, publicly shared, exploited, modified or conveyed. Notwithstanding the above, you may reproduce content with the following limitations: (i) You undertake to keep intact all copyright notices, expressly acknowledging GECESA as the lawful owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights on the reproduced content. This information must be expressly specified in the legal notice of the work where any of this website’s content is reproduced or, if there is no legal notice, posted in a similar and prominent place within the work; (ii) You may not use the content of this website for commercial purposes; (iii) You may not reproduce the content of this website in works whose content contravenes legal standards, can be considered unethical or may tarnish or damage the image of GECESA; (iv) You may not alter or transform the reproduced content; (v) You may not create or produce a work derived from this website that may lead to misconceptions about the ownership of that work or the owner’s relationship with GECESA. You may not lead the public to believe that GECESA supports that work or the use made of the reproduced content.
  3. The content of this website may be downloaded to your device as long as it is for your private and immediate use or for reproduction in the terms stipulated in the preceding paragraph and with the established limitations. Therefore, the content of this website may not be exploited, reproduced, distributed, modified, publicly shared, conveyed, transformed or used for public or commercial purposes.
  4. GECESA does not transfer the property rights on its software to users. As a user, your ownership is limited to the medium or device on which the software is installed. GECESA reserves all industrial and intellectual property rights, including those on its software. If you transfer software from this website to your device, you may not dissect it for study, decompile it, or translate the original version of the program code or its language into another code or language.
  5. The trade name, trademarks, brands, logo, products and services contained on this website are protected by law.
  6. GECESA reserves the right to take legal action against users who violate or infringe its intellectual and industrial property rights.

Regulatory Compliance

  1. You are hereby informed that the website owner does not, under any circumstances, warrant the authenticity, qualification, professional ability, skill, technical quality, possession of official permits or sufficient capacity of the persons who participate, whether actively or passively, in the forums, open areas and advice centres of the website itself, nor of the persons who are part of the entities, associations or organisations mentioned on the website or linked sites, nor of the persons who participate, collaborate or assist in the activities they organise and which appear on this website or linked sites.
  2. You are also informed that the website owner does not warrant that the entities, associations or organisations that appear on this website, organising activities or offering products or services, comply with the administrative, labour and/or mercantile regulations that may apply, nor does it warrant that the conditions they offer or negotiate with you will meet your requirements and expectations or comply with the necessary laws and regulations.
  3. The website owner and/or the organisers of programmes, competitions or events cannot and do not warrant that the opinions, observations and statements made by participants, audience members or organisers of the programmes, competitions and events featured on the website or on linked sites will not harm, upset or offend your sensibilities. Likewise, the website owner and/or the organisers of programmes, competitions or events accept no liability for any damage you may sustain as a consequence of the professional or personal relationships you establish with participants, audience members and organisers of the programmes, competitions and events featured on the website or on linked sites.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

  1. The terms and conditions that apply to this website and all relationships deriving from the same are governed by the laws of Spain.
  2. Any disputes that may arise regarding access to or use of this website will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Madrid, Spain.