8th Márgenes Festival

A flexible, provocative and innovative competition that constantly reflects on the direction in which cinema and contemporary society are headed. Each year the event mutates to adapt to new realities and needs.
Márgenes is back, the festival that explores new audiovisual narratives and has become a beacon of the edgiest Ibero-American indie cinema.
In this eighth edition, La Casa Encendida will host the second interdisciplinary seminar on reflection and creation entitled "Full Time Images", which examines the legacy of Guy Debord and the Situationist International. Featured this year, among others, are Amador Fernández-Savater, Ingrid Guardiola and the Terrorismo de Autor collective; a contemporary film cycle on the radicalisation and enduring relevance today of the dehumanising system described by Guy Debord in his 1967 essay The Society of the Spectacle, which will include the Madrid premiere of titles like Diamantino (Gabriel Abrantes, Daniel Schmidt), The Trial (Sergei Loznista), Quiero lo eterno (Miguel Ángel Blanca) and 88:88 (Isiah Medina), plus a children's session entitled "Márgenes LaFamily”, an entertaining yet educational introduction to the audiovisual world.
To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the publication of Guy Debord's Comments on the Society of the Spectacle, and in light of the latest expressions of the text, the "Integrated Spectacle" will examine the key concepts developed in accordance with Situationist theory and practice and those of the author himself, evaluating their relevance and validity today at a time when critiques of audiovisual discourses are more necessary than ever and their diagnosis appears to be all the more acute. The seminar will focus on contemporary society under the paradigm of the integrated spectacle, a diffuse, totalising and ubiquitous system that generates relationships mediated by images and, in the final instance, turns us into mere spectators, separating us from life's specific situations. How can we scratch the screen/membrane of the integrated spectacle in its 2.0 version?
The films in the cycle "The Spectacle in the Millennial Era", curated by Carlota Moseguí, are all directed by millennials (born between 1980 and 2000) who denounce (neo)slavery in society under the yoke of appearances. Half a century later, Situationism's grandchildren wage the last battle against the monster of the spectacle. The programme highlights the enduring relevance of Guy Debord's critique today through a selection of feature films and shorts from Asia, Europe and North America released this year at the festivals in Cannes, Venice, Locarno and Gijón.
Meanwhile, "Márgenes LaFamily" explores the universe of the seventh art from the senses, paying particular attention to these elements and their capacity to imprint meaning, emotion and expressiveness on a blank screen.
Diego Rodríguez, director of the Márgenes Festival, and Annamaria Scaramella, executive production and general coordination.