Libros Mutantes 2024

From 26 to 28 April 2024, La Casa Encendida plays host once again to the indie publishing endeavour Libros Mutantes Madrid Art Book Fair, featuring a packed and ambitious programme that aspires to delve deeply into the archives that form and explain our world.
Fair opening hours:
Friday from 17 to 20.45h.
Saturday from 12 to 15 and from 17 to 20.45h.
Sunday from 12 to 15h.
With a selection of international publishing projects chosen through an open call, Libros Mutantes offers an overview and direct contact with innovative initiatives: fanzines, art books, experimental publications, magazines, photo-books and, in general, any type of cultural product based on the concept of publishing. This year, with a new organisational structure and new spaces, the fair welcomes more participants than ever.
The Mutant Perspectives lecture programme highlights this plurality thanks to international guests who examine the notion of the archive as an essential category of culture and contemporary art. Cataloguing, describing, archiving, mutating: the almanac of the Sprint Milano fair explains the visual and social culture of an entire country through its fanzines, while the Queer Exhibition Histories of Bas Hendrikx[CM1] [LGV2] highlights the long and tireless efforts of LGTBIQ+ creators to advance their rights. Broadening the repertoire of language to go beyond the human is the purpose of the listening session by the Institute for Postnatural Studies, one of the most groundbreaking and influential initiatives in contemporary thinking with ramifications in philosophy, ecology and semiotics. If the Berlin laboratory of Manuel Bürger has expanded the definition of a brand design, communication and creation consulting firm, the initiative by Club Graphics encapsulates and preserves remnants of a culture that is almost impossible to encapsulate: the vibrant history of the electronic music and club scene in Spain.
Morning music and appetizer sessions complete the eclectic, participatory and multi-faceted programme which, true to the spirit of Libros Mutantes, turns La Casa Encendida into a forum of discussion for embracing aesthetic adventures, exploring conceptual odysseys and discovering new worlds.
List of exhibitors: 1+1=11 (Roberto Equisoain), 42 Líneas (EA Oviedo), Adrian Tyler , Áfrika Star Press, Alberto Feijoo, Alexander Gross, Ana Buquerin, Ana Bustelo, Anoche Press, Araña, Another Press, Arrre Estudio, Atelier Burano, Bandiz Studio, Bàrbara Alca, Belleza Infinita, Bouquet By, Brillo Editorial, Britney Press, Bruise Studio, C'èlacrisi Editore, Caja Negra Editoral, Caniche Editorial, Carmen B.Mikelarena, Cataldo Lucchese, Ceramiqs+*Jewel, Cielo Santo, Club Social Creative, Comisura, Cover Crop, Cthulhu Books, Dalpine, Davit Ruiz, Dito Publishing, Do The Print, Doscincocinco, Ediciones Jeje, Ediciones Valientes, La Gilda, Editorialsupremacía, Erika Achec, Errant Journal, Estonian Academy Of Arts , (EKA GD MA), Faw, Fidèle Éditions, Fotokino, Fulgencio Pimentel SL, Gimmefive Publishing, Handshake, Highchair Editions, IED Madrid, Inés Cardó, Javier Lozano, Juan Nadie Colectivo, Julie Legrand, Kudla Press, La Mosca Ediciones, Le Mur Bookstore, Letra Escudo Casa, Libros Walden, Llamp Edicions, Louis Porter, Luis Yang/ Amorcito, Lux Meteora, Manuela Lorente, Marta Cartu, Mono.kultur, Superb00ks, Nacho García, Nimia+Feli Punch, No Libros,, Obra, Ojos De Buey, ORP Pepe Medina, Cristina Llanos, Óscar Puré, P+4 Publications, Paperside, Paripé Books, Phree, Postfirebooks, Progresso, Puchi Award, Quintal, Raum Editions, Realmente Bravo, Ricardo Cases, Rocío Madrid, Rubén El Rulas, Sayo Senoo, Set Margins' Publications, Shibbolethç, Sprint, Terminal Ediciones, Terry Bleu, Tunica, Turismo Studio Books, Uou.impresiones, Valiz, Books And Projects, Wences Lamas, x_x.
Libros Mutantes is supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands, the IED (European Institute of Design) and SON Estrella Galicia.